
The Brand Trifecta is a systematic and streamlined writing-focused program that will enable you to build a brand that is the path of least resistance to revenue. This program is built on more than a decade of my work, helping thousands of organizations develop brands that enable them to get more of the right prospects to the right table at the right time. Plus, it is built on my proven and formulaic brand messaging model that is rooted in buyer psychology. This brand model enables you to systematically engage your target audiences and authentically provoke them to want to take the next step and buy. How? By delivering a simple set of messaging that tells your prospects what you do, how you solve their problem, and how you are different and better than the competition. 

Ultimately, that is the information your target audiences want to know in order to say, “You know, that’s interesting. I want to take the next step and have a conversation.” This is what compels your prospects to convert.

The Brand Trifecta program is not a bunch of brand fluff, and it’s far more than just brand strategy. This program is intuitive, interactive, and it’s going to give you the guidance, resources, and support you need to develop a message that will enable you to win in the marketplace.

The Brand Trifecta is a formulaic messaging structure that delivers the three key pieces of information your audiences want and need to know in the first 15 to 30 seconds, in order to take the next step and convert. Those three messaging components are: One, a Tagline that states what you do; two, a Value Proposition that states how you solve your target audience’s problem; and three, a set of Differentiator Statements that clearly articulate how you are different and better than the competition. 

In fact, it is that specific order of that specific information that actually compels your prospects to want to know more and take the next step. That is why the Brand Trifecta is a formulaic messaging structure.

Because, when you stick to the order of how you deliver each piece of this three-part formula, whether it is delivered in a face-to-face setting, on a Zoom call, on your website, or anywhere else across your digital footprint, it works. 

Please watch the associated video clip to see a real-life example that drives this point home.

 The Brand Trifecta program covers critical topics that will help you build a brand that is the path of least resistance to revenue. Part One of the program is all about defining your brand. Topics include the development of your brand’s tone of voice, personality traits, and archetypes, which enable you to clarify how your brand authentically shows up in the world.

Part One also centers around target audience refinement. This includes the development of comprehensive buyer criteria charts that outline not only the demographics, but psychographics, for your ideal buyers. Plus, the program dives into structured target audience analysis that will enable you to clearly pinpoint the bottom-line heart pain you solve for each audience. 

The outcomes from these exercises will give you the material to write a brand that clearly articulates how you solve your target audience’s deepest problems. Finally, Part One of the Brand Trifecta program centers around solidifying the right brand architecture for your organization. In other words, you will determine exactly how many Brand Trifecta messaging layers you will need to write to effectively speak to all of your ideal target audiences. 

Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program is where you will put pen to paper and actually write your brand. Specifically, you will develop your go-to-market messaging, including your organization’s Tagline, Value Proposition Statement, and Differentiator Statements. Then, if additional Brand Trifecta layers are needed for your organization, you will walk through the process of developing those supporting messaging components. Finally, at the end of Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program, you will move through a comprehensive implementation checklist where you will document key marketing and sales action items for your brand, based on the work you have done throughout this program. 

All topics covered in Parts One and Two of the Brand Trifecta program are curated to ensure you develop a strong brand strategy, and of course, a winning brand message that is the path of least resistance to revenue for your organization.

The Brand Trifecta model is the backbone for all of your brand’s content and messaging. The language you develop in the Brand Trifecta, including your Tagline, Value Proposition Statement, and Differentiator Statements, are the heart of your brand’s promise. It is this promise that carries into the rest of your content. Plus, the insights you also gain around your brand’s tone of voice, personality, target audiences, and brand architecture also play into your content and messaging strategy. 

To be clear, however, a Tagline, Value Proposition Statement, and set of Differentiator Statements will never replace the other rich content you have for your organization. Keep your feature and benefits lists, charts, graphics, videos, white papers, blogs, and case studies.

Also keep your Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Values. Do not forego those pieces for the Brand Trifecta. Instead, the Brand Trifecta should simply be at the top of the content pyramid. Everything else you write stems down from that Brand Trifecta, and it should all be consistent with the tone of voice and themes that you have written in the Brand Trifecta itself.

To sum it up, the Brand Trifecta is your brand’s singular messaging framework, and it is the basis upon which all of your other sales and marketing content should be developed.

Most courses and DIY programs just don’t cut it because you are left on your own to complete the work. The lack of structure, process, and accountability with these types of programs is a sure-fire way to have a half-baked strategy and a half-built brand. Plus, most courses and DIY programs teach only brand strategy, but they don’t teach you the practical aspects of how to write the actual message.

You need more than that. You need to sure-fire a way to not only build or refine your brand strategy, but to also get the work done of writing your brand message with a proven approach. The Brand Trifecta not only teaches you how to hone in on your brand personality and presence, as well as define, refine, and even analyze your ideal target audiences, but it also walks you through, step-by-step, the actual writing process.

This program teaches you how to create a message, phrase by phrase and sentence by sentence. Plus, The Brand Trifecta provides intuitive, just-in-time guidance and support to help you get unstuck, keep building momentum, and continue through the brand building process with confidence and clarity. 

The Brand Trifecta is not another course or DIY program. There is no fluff, no nonsense, and no death by PowerPoint. The Brand Trifecta program is practical, tactical, and a proven brand methodology in a SaaS platform. And SaaS without a subscription, at that.

The StoryBrand framework teaches organizations how to use a story-based brand approach, where the customer is at the heart of the hero’s journey. The StoryBrand methodology takes you through seven key steps, prompting you to clarify key pieces of your brand’s strengths and strategy, as well as outline the details on your target audiences and their pain points. Plus, it cues you to write components of your brand, such as a one-liner or various calls-to-action.

The Brand Trifecta program also hones in on these pieces. It surgically walks you through the in-depth process of clarifying your brand’s presence and personality, identifying and defining ideal target audiences, and uncovering the bottom-line heart pains you solve for each audience. 

However, this program goes further than that. It enables you to define the right brand architecture for your organization. In other words, how many layers of messaging you need to systematically write in order to directly communicate with all of your top target audiences. Plus, it shows you how to thoroughly implement your brand, so that you effectively reach and engage those target audiences across your print, digital, and face-to-face channels.

The biggest difference between StoryBrand and the Brand Trifecta is that the Brand Trifecta program does not just tell you what to write by showing you steps. By the way, the Brand Trifecta has three key steps, not seven. This program teaches you how to write the three key messaging components that speak to the three most important pieces of information your prospects want to know in the first 15 to 30 seconds, in order to take the next step. Number one: Tell me what you do – Tagline. Number two: Tell me how you solve my problem –Value Proposition Statement. Number three: Tell me how you are different and better than the rest – Differentiator Statements. 

To be clear, this program does not teach you how to write a brand story. Why? Although story is a powerful tool that does belong in the whole scheme of content marketing, it does not belong in the first 15 to 30 seconds of your brand pitch. Brand stories don’t compel your prospect to take the next step as quickly as possible. Brand conversations do. Your prospects want you to get to the point, and fast, by clearly understanding what you do, how you solve their problem, and how you are different and better than the rest.

This is where the Brand Trifecta holds weight. This proven messaging model, which is rooted in buyer psychology, enables you to skip complex and ineffective storytelling, and instead create powerful, authentic brand conversations with your prospects that ultimately convert. In fact, this program specifically teaches you how to write that three-part messaging formula with precision and impact. You will learn how to leverage key target audience information, as well as your brand presence and personality, to accurately write your brand. Plus, you are going to be taught critical writing best practices, including grammar, sentence structure, tone of voice, word choice, and rhythm, to ensure your brand not only sounds and seems like you, but deeply resonates at a heart level with your target audiences.

All of this is delivered through a streamlined and well-priced branding SaaS program that ensures you move through the brand building process with accuracy and speed. Plus, it is provided to you without a subscription, and without any certification needed. 

At the end of the day, the goal of the Brand Trifecta program is to teach you how to not just create a brand strategy, but how to write and implement a brand rooted in buyer psychology – a brand that creates conversations that convert, and which truly is the path of least resistance to revenue for your organization.

If you are a lover of stories, that’s great. I am too, unless it has to do with brand. I truly believe brand storytelling isn’t the answer. Brand conversations are the answer. Before you drop everything and leave this website, hear me out for just a second! 

Storytelling is not bad in and of itself. It can be used as a great content creation strategy for your organization. However, story has no part to play in the first 15 to 30 seconds of your brand pitch. When someone hits the homepage of your website, are they ready to read a story, or do they quickly want to know what you do, how you solve their problem, and how you are different than the competition? 

How about when you first meet a prospect at an event? When they ask you what you do, do you dive into a complex story? I have done that and seen people’s eyes glaze over. Truly consider this: Do you tell a story right out of the gate, or do you get to the point? 

Storytelling is great when a prospect is ready to learn more about the specific details of your history, specific features and benefits, unique customer successes, or even the incredible data and research that you have done, etc. Story does belong in the whole scheme of content marketing. However, it does not belong in the beginning of your brand. 

This is where the Brand Trifecta model holds weight. This brand approach breaks you free from delivering complex and ineffective narratives by helping you craft a formulaic messaging structure that not only tells your prospect the information they want to know in the first 30 seconds, but it engages them at every stage, with every sentence. 

This is what the Brand Trifecta is all about – creating brand conversations that ultimately convert.

While Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Values are critically important to any brand, they are not sales statements. The purpose of the Brand Trifecta program is to help organizations build their go-to market messaging and enable them to sell. Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Values are internally-focused statements that drive the organization forward. They enable you to point your sails in a direction and set forth guidelines for where you want to go. However, these statements do not compel your prospects to want to buy from you, because they are all about you. Your target audiences want to know what’s in it for them. In fact, they want a message that is all about them. That is where the Brand Trifecta comes in. This program teaches you how to develop a winning Tagline, Value Proposition Statement, and a set of Differentiator Statements which enable you to create brand conversations that convert.

The Brand Trifecta program is built for small to midsize organizations who do not have extremely complex brand architectures nor sell to a multitude of target audiences. If you are a large enterprise organization, you may need more than what this program offers. Just check out the other content on this website to determine if this program is the right fit for your organization.

In terms of who within an organization should take the lead on this type of project, it is recommended that a brand’s founder or CEO be involved, because they hold the keys to the brand. It is also recommended, of course, that the heads of marketing and sales are incorporated into this brand work. 

Finally, it is useful to include other executive leaders in the process, just to ensure all those critical perspectives within your organization are included as you move through the Brand Trifecta program.

Are you struggling to get prospects to the table? Is your sales cycle increasing? Is your close ratio decreasing? Or are you seeing a higher shopping cart abandonment rate, a decreased clickthrough rate, or even a decreased conversion rate on your website? Maybe you have been doing SEO, advertising, email marketing, and other marketing tactics for many months, but you are not seeing the metrics where you want them or need them to be. You are doing all of the things, and perhaps even all of the right things from a marketing and sales standpoint, but still you are not hitting your revenue goals. If you are experiencing any of these scenarios, that is a signal that something may be off with your message. 

You can have the best tactics in the world, but if those tactics aren’t backed by a brand strategy that surgically delivers the right message to the right target audiences, then those tactics probably won’t deliver the way you hope they will. The bottom line is that you need a brand that is not just built on hope, vision, or even purpose. You need a brand that is built on buyer psychology, and you need a messaging structure that ultimately delivers powerful revenue results. This is what The Brand Trifecta provides.

 It would be great to tell you that this program will 100% guarantee that you build a brand that delivers perfect revenue results. However, I just can’t promise that. Brand is unique for each and every organization, and branding done right is directly aligned with that unique organization’s individual goals.

Here is what I do know. The outcomes of the Brand Trifecta program will ensure you have stronger clarity on who you are going after and why, and it will help you develop a brand message that deeply resonates at a heart level with those target audiences – all in order to compel them to engage with you and buy.

With that being said, there are some key metrics you can consider tracking while going through this program. First, track the number of qualified prospects that engage with your organization. If you have developed a more precise message that directly speaks to the heart pain you solve for your target audiences, and if you deploy that message across your sales and marketing channels that are aimed to reach those target audiences, then you should see a positive shift in the quality of your prospects.

Next, track revenue. That is a bold statement, but one that I really stand by. Brand is the path of least resistance to revenue. So, track revenue to see the impact of your refined message on your organization’s growth. 

Next, if you sell through a B2B channel, in other words you sell directly to businesses, you can also consider tracking sales cycle. Companies who are effectively deploying the right brand message to the right audiences see a decrease in sales cycle time. Why? Because when that prospect first sees, hears, and experiences your Brand Trifecta message, they will clearly understand what you do, how you solve their problem, and how you are different and better than the competition. Isn’t that what they want to know in order to take the next step with you? If they understand all of that in 15 to 30 seconds because of your Brand Trifecta, whether you deliver it in person or digitally, and if they schedule and hold a call, they’re no longer getting on that call to ask what you do. They already know. They are ready to go deeper into the details with you, to share the very specific pains they are facing in their business, and to ascertain from you on that call how you can directly solve those problems. 

All of this signals that they are further on in the buying cycle. So, instead of having to hold multiple calls to get into the details, you can tackle that information earlier on, which ultimately will enable you to get to a proposal, and a close, in a faster time frame.

Now, how about B2C brands who sell directly to end consumers? Yes, track the quality of prospects and track revenue. Also continue to track conversion rates across your digital footprint. However, you may also wish to track shopping cart abandonment rates. With the numerous e-commerce brands that have deployed the Brand Trifecta method over the years, the pattern is very clear that there was a decrease in shopping cart abandonment rates as a result of improved brand messaging. Your refined brand message will ensure shoppers more clearly understand what you do, how your products solve their problem, and how your brand is different from the rest in less than 30 seconds. If they see that information, continue to click through and shop, and if they find products that live up to that brand promise, they will click to purchase. So, track this metric, too. See what you find. 

To sum everything up, I can’t and will never promise perfection. However, I can state with full confidence that the outcomes from the Brand Trifecta program will enable you to build a brand that truly is the path of least resistance to revenue.

The Brand Trifecta program consists of two parts. Part One, consisting of three 90-minute branding sessions, takes you through a series of exercises to clarify your brand’s presence and personality, as well as define your ideal target audiences and brand architecture. While three 90-minute sessions may not seem like a lot, these sessions are packed with high-value exercises, content, and resources – all geared at ensuring you develop a strong conviction about how your brand shows up in the world, as well as who you’re going after and why. Next, in Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program, you will go through the structured and thorough process of actually writing your organization’s Brand Trifectas. This is where you put pen to paper and develop the key brand messaging components that will enable you to better attract and engage your ideal buyers. 

Depending on how many Brand Trifectas you need to write for your organization, between one and five, you will move through another five to 14 90-minute sessions to complete Part Two of the program. Finally, don’t forget that you will decide in Part One of the program how many layers of messaging you need to write, and therefore how many sessions you may need to complete.

 The Brand Trifecta program is delivered over a series of 90-minute branding sessions, with each session structured to deliver the right exercises, content, and resources you need to make significant progress in a short period of time. All sessions include written exercises, instructional videos, as well as interactive videos geared at helping you get unstuck and check your work. This delivery method ensures you maintain momentum and complete the brand building process with confidence and speed. 

Outside of video and written exercises, there are numerous helpful resources provided, including Brand Trifecta examples, writing guides, implementation tips and tricks, and much more.

Finally, the platform itself is built to foster friendly accountability through quick start videos, scheduling reminders, session timers, and other tools that will help you stay on task, move through the work efficiently, and come out the other side with the right brand outcomes for your organization.

 Parts One and Two of the Brand Trifecta cover specific topics that are meant to help you build a brand that will compel your target audiences to engage and ultimately buy. In Part One of the program, you will cover the following topics: brand tone of voice, brand personality traits, brand archetypes. You will also cover target audience refinement, target audience heart pain analysis, brand architecture selection, and finalization on the number of Brand Trifectas you need to write.

In Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program, you will learn the Brand Trifecta methodology, and subsequently you will be taught how to write each piece of that formulaic messaging structure, including your brand’s Tagline, Value Proposition Statement, and Differentiator Statements.

If you are building more than one Brand Trifecta, you will also go through the process of writing supporting Brand Trifectas to ensure that your layered messaging effectively communicates to all of your ideal target audiences. Finally, in Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program, you will create an implementation plan to ensure your brand is deployed across all of your sales and marketing channels with purpose and speed.

On average, most people complete Part One of the Brand Trifecta program in only two to three weeks, holding at least one session per week to move through all three sessions. Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program can take anywhere from 3 to 12 weeks, depending on how many Brand Trifectas you need to write, and how many sessions you want to complete each week. 

For example, if you are writing only one Brand Trifecta, you will complete five additional sessions for Part Two of the program. If you hold one session per week, that is five weeks. You can certainly hold more than one session per week. In fact, it is recommended to complete two sessions per week, so the process stays relevant, impactful, and so that it doesn’t drag on forever. However, the pace is up to you. 

If you are writing two Brand Trifectas, plan on completing eight sessions in Part Two over the course of eight weeks. Three Brand Trifectas? That is 10 sessions over 10 weeks, if you opt for one session per week. Four Brand Trifectas? 12 sessions over 12 weeks. Finally, if you plan to build five Brand Trifectas and only wish to hold one session per week, that is 14 sessions over 14 weeks. 

Candidly, most people do not take that long to complete the program. Try to block time on your calendar to hold two sessions per week, if possible, no matter how many Brand Trifectas you are writing. This will really ensure that you can get through the program at a great pace.

The Brand Trifecta program consists of two parts. Part One of the program is delivered over three sessions. In Session One of Part One, you will define your brand’s tone of voice, personality traits, and archetypes. The goal is to give you clarity on how your brand authentically shows up in the world. In Session Two of Part One, you will refine your top target audiences with detailed buyer criteria charts that document core demographics and psychographics – all so that you have a clear picture of what ideal looks like for each of your target audiences. In Session Three of Part One of the program, you will do a deep-dive analysis for each of your top target audiences to uncover and document the bottom-line heart pain you solve for each audience. 

Finally, during Session Three of Part One, you will leverage the work you have done thus far to make a firm decision on exactly what brand architecture is best for your organization, and subsequently decide exactly how many Brand Trifectas you will need to write in order to better engage your target audiences. 

Part Two consists of between 5 and 14 sessions, depending on how many Brand Trifectas you are writing, one to five respectively. Session One of Part Two walks you through the Brand Trifecta method and teaches you the formulaic messaging structure that you will use to build your brand. Plus, you will begin the writing process in Session One. Sessions Two through Four of Part Two enable you to complete the writing process for your Brand Trifecta. From there, if you have purchased only one Brand Trifecta, you will complete one final session, Session Five, where you will walk through a comprehensive implementation session. That is your time to effectively plan how you will deploy your brand  message across all of your sales and marketing channels. If you have purchased more than one Brand Trifecta, you will instead move from Session Four, where you completed your first Brand Trifecta, into a series of additional writing-intensive sessions where you will complete your other Brand Trifectas. Once those Brand Trifectas are written, you will complete your final session, focused on brand implementation.

Whether you are writing one or five Brand Trifectas, the program is built to ensure you come through the other side with strong conviction about who you are and how your brand shows up in the world, who you are going after and why, and how many layers of brand messaging you need to build. Plus, it will give you the confidence to write and implement your Brand Trifecta message in such a way that it truly is the path of least resistance to revenue.

Good news. There is no homework that you must complete during this program. Seriously. Simply log into each session in the program and complete the work right then and there. After each session, you will be able to immediately download an updated draft of your playbook, ensuring you have the latest insights at your fingertips.

Finally, it should be noted that there is also no pre-work for this program. In fact, there is nothing you need to fill out or upload prior to starting. The only requirement is to come caffeinated and hydrated, and ready to focus on your brand!

 Before starting the program, it is recommended that you gather whatever brand statements or insights you may have already developed. For example, consider having your brand Values, Vision Statement, and Mission Statement on hand. Also bring current versions of your Tagline, your Value Proposition Statement, and your Differentiator Statements. Finally, if you have developed target audience profiles or buyer personas for your brand, please be sure to have that information ready to go before starting the program.

 This is a writing-intensive program, and that means you will be supported every step of the way as you learn how to write, revise, and finalize your brand messaging. Not only will you be taught through a series of videos, but you will also have interactive video content to help you get unstuck. Finally, the program provides a robust resources section that includes numerous brand examples, helpful writing guides, and so much more. You are not in this alone. The Brand Trifecta program is built to help you become a stronger writer and ensure you come through this process with a brand that is the path of least resistance to revenue for your organization.

 For both Parts One and Two of the Brand Trifecta Program, you will receive a 10+ page playbook that documents all of your strategies, outcomes, and next steps from the program. These PDF playbooks are incredibly easy to leverage across your sales and marketing initiatives, and the contents can be inserted into your existing brand guidelines, as well as other key sales and marketing documentation that you may have for your organization.

The StoryBrand framework teaches organizations how to use a story-based brand approach, where the customer is at the heart of the hero’s journey. The StoryBrand methodology takes you through seven key steps, prompting you to clarify key pieces of your brand’s strengths and strategy, as well as outline the details on your target audiences and their pain points. Plus, it cues you to write components of your brand, such as a one-liner or various calls-to-action.

The Brand Trifecta program also hones in on these pieces. It surgically walks you through the in-depth process of clarifying your brand’s presence and personality, identifying and defining ideal target audiences, and uncovering the bottom-line heart pains you solve for each audience. 

However, this program goes further than that. It enables you to define the right brand architecture for your organization. In other words, how many layers of messaging you need to systematically write in order to directly communicate with all of your top target audiences. Plus, it shows you how to thoroughly implement your brand, so that you effectively reach and engage those target audiences across your print, digital, and face-to-face channels.

The biggest difference between StoryBrand and the Brand Trifecta is that the Brand Trifecta program does not just tell you what to write by showing you steps. By the way, the Brand Trifecta has three key steps, not seven. This program teaches you how to write the three key messaging components that speak to the three most important pieces of information your prospects want to know in the first 15 to 30 seconds, in order to take the next step. Number one: Tell me what you do – Tagline. Number two: Tell me how you solve my problem –Value Proposition Statement. Number three: Tell me how you are different and better than the rest – Differentiator Statements. 

To be clear, this program does not teach you how to write a brand story. Why? Although story is a powerful tool that does belong in the whole scheme of content marketing, it does not belong in the first 15 to 30 seconds of your brand pitch. Brand stories don’t compel your prospect to take the next step as quickly as possible. Brand conversations do. Your prospects want you to get to the point, and fast, by clearly understanding what you do, how you solve their problem, and how you are different and better than the rest.

This is where the Brand Trifecta holds weight. This proven messaging model, which is rooted in buyer psychology, enables you to skip complex and ineffective storytelling, and instead create powerful, authentic brand conversations with your prospects that ultimately convert. In fact, this program specifically teaches you how to write that three-part messaging formula with precision and impact. You will learn how to leverage key target audience information, as well as your brand presence and personality, to accurately write your brand. Plus, you are going to be taught critical writing best practices, including grammar, sentence structure, tone of voice, word choice, and rhythm, to ensure your brand not only sounds and seems like you, but deeply resonates at a heart level with your target audiences.

All of this is delivered through a streamlined and well-priced branding SaaS program that ensures you move through the brand building process with accuracy and speed. Plus, it is provided to you without a subscription, and without any certification needed. 

At the end of the day, the goal of the Brand Trifecta program is to teach you how to not just create a brand strategy, but how to write and implement a brand rooted in buyer psychology – a brand that creates conversations that convert, and which truly is the path of least resistance to revenue for your organization.

You already provide a variety of other services that help your clients achieve their growth goals. However, do you offer a program that ensures their brand message is on point for all other aspects of their marketing and sales efforts? If not, then this program could be a great compliment to what you are already doing for them. The goal is for you, as the agency, to bring your client through this program in a short period of time, achieve the desired messaging outcomes, and then get back to work on the other initiatives you are managing for them. The bottom line is that the deliverables from the Brand Trifecta program should make your work easier and more impactful for your clients.

Great news. You do not need to be a writer or brand expert to complete this program. Seriously. This program is built to teach you and your clients how to write brand in a powerful yet practical way. You will certainly become a stronger writer as a result of this process, and my hope is that the skills you gain through this program will enable you to better serve your clients.

 There is no annual licensing fee for the Brand Trifecta program. The program has clear pricing and is provided as a one-time purchase. As you encounter new clients who may find benefit from going through the Brand Trifecta program with you, simply purchase Part One of the Brand Trifecta program for them, and subsequently purchase Part Two when you are ready to write. That’s it. Only purchase what you need when you need it for your clients.

The Brand Trifecta program is not a certification program. You do not have time to complete a certification program, and quite frankly, I don’t know how much value that would truly give you. It is not a business goal of mine to make money by certifying others to run this model. Instead, I simply hope that agencies bring their clients through the program if and when they need it. I trust that if I do a good job serving you and your clients with how I have built the program, you will come back. So, to be blunt, I’ll skip the certification method as my revenue model for this business, and instead bank on the quality of the product as a means for creating brand loyalty and repeat buyership from agencies like you.

I did not create this product to be white labeled. I made this product to be a collaborative environment in which you can guide your client through the program with confidence. Candidly, your client probably does not care if it is your platform and content, or if it is mine. What they care about is getting the outcomes, and having you in their corner to guide them through the process, so they don’t have to do it themselves. So, just be honest with them. You are going to guide them through the program, and help them every step of the way as a strategist and facilitator who understands their brand, and who can provide another set of eyes as you build a brand that is the path of least resistance to revenue for them.

Yes, I do offer discounted pricing, and even bulk pricing options, for agencies who wish to take their clients through the Brand Trifecta program. Simply complete the form on this website, and we will hop on a quick call to talk specific pricing details.

A key deliverable in Part One of the Brand Trifecta program is the clarity on how many Brand Trifectas you and your client need to write. During multiple sessions of Part One, you and your client will have multiple opportunities to determine how many Brand Trifectas you need to write in order to have a complete brand message that effectively reaches your client’s ideal target audiences and compels them to buy. You can feel confident that Part One of the Brand Trifecta program provides the guidance, resources, and hands-on learning that you and your client need to confidently determine how many Brand Trifectas you need to purchase and write.

Sometimes an organization needs more than five Brand Trifectas to effectively speak to all of their ideal target audiences. This is often the case for larger organizations who sell through multiple channels, serve a multitude of sectors, or if they speak to a wide variety of stakeholders within their prospects organizations. If your client faces one of these scenarios, or if you already know that they need more than five Brand Trifectas, I invite you to reach out to me. It could be that this program will only get you and your client partway through, and you may need additional analysis, strategy, and copywriting support. Let’s connect and talk further.

We are here to help you if you run into a situation where you and your client have gone through Part One of the Brand Trifecta program and you find that you have purchased the wrong number of Trifectas to complete Part Two. Simply connect with us by email and we will contact you within three to five business days to get you the right number of Brand Trifectas. We will also take care of any partial refunds or charges and ensure that you and your client are fully set up within the system to continue forward.

 Your role is to be the master facilitator, guide, and translator who will help your client walk through every step of this program with confidence. To be clear, you do not need to be a writing or brand expert to play a critical role for your client in this program. Your job is to come into the process with your expertise, as well as a solid understanding of your client’s background, goals, and needs. You will play a key role in helping your client overcome limiting beliefs they may have about their brand, to encourage them to step forward in newfound confidence, and to ultimately help them write a brand message that will empower them to achieve their goals. You will also be an incredible asset to your client because you can help them wordsmith their messaging, as well.

Having an extra set of eyes and ears is so important when it comes to the writing process. You are going to see things they don’t see, and you can help them strengthen the language they use for their Brand Trifecta. 

This is what the Brand Trifecta program is all about: Coming together with your client through this collaborative process to ultimately build a brand message that will enable you and your client to succeed.

The Brand Trifecta program consists of two parts. Part One, consisting of three 90-minute branding sessions, takes you through a series of exercises to clarify your client’s brand presence and personality, as well as define their ideal target audiences and brand architecture. While three 90-minute sessions may not seem like a lot, these sessions are packed with high-value exercises, content, and resources – all geared at ensuring your client develops a strong conviction about how your brand shows up in the world, as well as who they are going after and why. Next, in Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program, you and your client will go through the structured and thorough process of actually writing their organization’s Brand Trifectas. 

This is where you put pen to paper and develop the key brand messaging components that will enable your client to better attract and engage their ideal buyers. Depending on how many Brand Trifectas your client needs to write for their organization, between one and five, you will move through another five to 14 90-minute sessions to complete Part Two of the program. Finally, don’t forget that you and your client will decide in Part One of the program how many layers of messaging you need to write, and therefore how many sessions you may need to complete.

The Brand Trifecta program is delivered over a series of 90-minute branding sessions, with each session structured to deliver the right exercises, content, and resources you and your client need to make significant progress in a short period of time. All sessions include written exercises, instructional videos, as well as interactive videos geared at helping your client get unstuck and check their work. This delivery method ensures you and your client maintain momentum and complete that brand building process with confidence and speed. Outside of video and written exercises, there are numerous helpful resources provided, including Brand Trifecta examples, writing guides, implementation tips and tricks, and much more.

Finally, the platform itself is built to foster friendly accountability through quick start videos, scheduling reminders, session timers, and other tools that will help you and your client stay on task, move through the work efficiently, and come out the other side with the right brand outcomes for their organization.

On average, most people complete Part One of the Brand Trifecta program in only two to three weeks, holding at least one session per week to move through all three sessions. Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program can take anywhere from 3 to 12 weeks, depending on how many Brand Trifectas your client needs to write, and how many sessions you collectively want to complete each week. 

For example, if you and your client are writing only one Brand Trifecta, you will complete five additional sessions for Part Two of the program. If you hold one session per week, that is five weeks. You can certainly hold more than one session per week. In fact, it is recommended to complete two sessions per week, so the process stays relevant, impactful, and so that it doesn’t drag on forever. However, the pace is up to you. 

If you and your client are writing two Brand Trifectas, plan on completing eight sessions in Part Two over the course of eight weeks. Three Brand Trifectas? That is 10 sessions over 10 weeks, if you opt for one session per week. Four Brand Trifectas? 12 sessions over 12 weeks. Finally, if you and your client plan to build five Brand Trifectas and only wish to hold one session per week, that is 14 sessions over 14 weeks. 

Candidly, most people do not take that long to complete the program. Try to block time on everyone’s calendar to hold two sessions per week, if possible, no matter how many Brand Trifectas you are writing. This will really ensure that you and your client can get through the program at a great pace

The Brand Trifecta program consists of two parts. Part One of the program is delivered over three sessions. In Session One of Part One, you and your client will define their brand’s tone of voice, personality traits, and archetypes. The goal is to give your client clarity on how their brand authentically shows up in the world. In Session Two of Part One, you will refine your client’s top target audiences with detailed buyer criteria charts that document core demographics and psychographics – all so that you and your client have a clear picture of what ideal looks like for each of their target audiences. In Session Three of Part One of the program, you will do a deep-dive analysis for each of your client’s top target audiences to uncover and document the bottom-line heart pain your client solves for each audience. 

Finally, during Session Three of Part One, you will leverage the work you and your client have done thus far to make a firm decision on exactly what brand architecture is best for their organization, and subsequently decide exactly how many Brand Trifectas you will need to write in order to better engage their target audiences. 

Part Two consists of between 5 and 14 sessions, depending on how many Brand Trifectas you are writing, one to five respectively. Session One of Part Two walks you and your client through the Brand Trifecta method and teaches the formulaic messaging structure that you and your client will use to build your brand. Plus, you and your client will begin the writing process in Session One. Sessions Two through Four of Part Two enable you and your client to complete the writing process for their Brand Trifecta. From there, if you have purchased only one Brand Trifecta, you will complete one final session, Session Five, where you and your client will walk through a comprehensive implementation session. That is your time to effectively plan how your client will deploy their brand message across all of their  sales and marketing channels. If you have purchased more than one Brand Trifecta, you and your client will instead move from Session Four, where you completed the first Brand Trifecta, into a series of additional writing-intensive sessions where you will complete other Brand Trifectas. Once those Brand Trifectas are written, you and your client will complete the final session, focused on brand implementation.

Whether you and your client are writing one or five Brand Trifectas, the program is built to ensure your client comes through the other side with strong conviction about who they are and how their brand shows up in the world, who they are going after and why, and how many layers of brand messaging they need to build. Plus, it will give you and your client the confidence to write and implement their Brand Trifecta message in such a way that it truly is the path of least resistance to revenue.

 If you are already working on certain initiatives with your client, and you sense something may be off with their brand messaging, then that is a good time to bring your client through this program. Anytime is a great time to begin the Brand Trifecta program, if it can help you and your client achieve better outcomes. In fact, if you are just getting started on a project with them, the earlier the better to take them through the Brand Trifecta program, because it will give you the strategies and messaging you need to better serve your clients. That is what this program is all about – helping you help your clients win – without getting in the way of your expertise, your services and strategies, your client relationships, and your business operations.

Good news. There is no homework that you or your client must complete during this program. Simply log into each session and complete the work right then and there. After each session, you and your client will be able to immediately download an updated draft of your client’s playbook, ensuring everyone has the latest insight at their fingertips. Finally, there is no pre-work for this program. There is nothing you and your client need to fill out or upload prior to starting.

Before starting the program, I recommend you gather any brand statements and insights you have developed with, or for, your client. Consider having your client’s brand Values, Vision Statement, and Mission Statement on hand, as well as current versions of the brand’s Tagline, Value Proposition Statement, and Differentiator Statements. Finally, if you and your client have developed target audience profiles or buyer personas for the brand, please be sure to have that information ready to go before starting this program. That’s it. Just be sure that everyone in the room shows up caffeinated and hydrated, and ready to build a brand that is the path of least resistance to revenue.

 This is a writing-intensive program, and that means you and your client will be supported every step of the way as you learn how to write, revise, and finalize their brand messaging. Not only will you be taught through a series of videos, but you and your client will also have interactive video content to help you get unstuck. Finally, the program provides a robust resources section that includes numerous brand examples, helpful writing guides, and so much more. You and your client are not in this alone. The Brand Trifecta program is built to help you become stronger writers and ensure you and your client come through this process with a brand that is the path of least resistance to revenue for your client’s organization.


 For both Parts One and Two of the Brand Trifecta Program, you and your client will receive a 10+ page playbook that documents all of your strategies, outcomes, and next steps from the program. These PDF playbooks are incredibly easy to leverage across your client’s sales and marketing initiatives, and the contents can be inserted into their existing brand guidelines, as well as other key sales and marketing documentation they may have for their organization.

Everyone begins by purchasing Part One of the Brand Trifecta program. This is your first step. Why? Because only through the process of completing Part One of the program will you have a clear understanding of how many Brand Trifectas you actually need to write for your organization. Therefore, you will not be charged upfront for Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program. You can purchase Part Two from within the system once you have completed Part One. This ensures that you pay for what you need when you need it.

Part One of the Brand Trifecta program is $995. That is it. No hidden details. This is a one-time purchase, and again, no subscription.

 Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program starts at $2,995 to build one Brand Trifecta. If you opt to build two Brand Trifectas based on the outputs from Part One of the program, your investment is $3,495. The same price of $3,495 applies if you decide to build three Brand Trifectas. Finally, if you opt to build four or five Brand Trifectas, your investment for Part Two of the Brand Trifecta program will be $3,995.

 A key deliverable in Part One of the Brand Trifecta program is the clarity on how many Brand Trifectas you need to write. During multiple sessions of Part One, you will have multiple opportunities to determine how many Brand Trifectas you need to write in order to have a complete brand message that effectively reaches your ideal target audiences and compels them to buy. You can feel confident that Part One of the Brand Trifecta program provides the guidance, resources, and hands-on learning that you need to confidently determine how many Brand Trifectas you need to purchase and write.

 Sometimes an organization needs more than five Brand Trifectas to effectively speak to all of their ideal target audiences. This is often the case for larger organizations who sell through multiple channels, serve a multitude of sectors, or speak to a wide variety of stakeholders within their prospects’ organizations. If you face one of these scenarios, or if you already know that you need more than five Brand Trifectas, please reach out through the contact page. It could be that this program will only get you part way there, and you may need additional analysis, strategy, and copywriting support. Let’s connect and talk further.

Part One of the Brand Trifecta program is $995 and Part Two ranges from $2,995 to $3,995. Therefore, the total all-in investment for completing Parts One and Two of the Brand Trifecta program ranges between $3,990 to $4,990.

We are here to help you if you run into a situation where you have gone through Part One of the program and have purchased the wrong number of Brand Trifectas for Part Two. Simply connect with us by email, and we will contact you within three to five business days to get you the right number of Brand Trifectas, take care of any partial refunds or charges, and ensure you are set up appropriately within the system to continue forward.

Yes, there is a 30-day money back guarantee. Our policy is very simple. If you have completed Part One of the Brand Trifecta program within 30 days from the date of purchase, and you found zero value in the program, simply contact us by email, send us your completed playbook from Part One, and complete a short form explaining why the Brand Trifecta program was not for you. We will review your submission and provide a refund within 10 business days from the date of your refund request and form submission. 

To be clear, this 30-day money back guarantee only applies to Part One of the Brand Trifecta program.

Remember that you are only purchasing Part One up front, and it usually takes most people two to four weeks to complete that program from the date of purchase. Therefore, this 30-day money back guarantee will only apply to the purchase for Part One. If you have successfully moved through Part One and decided to purchase Part Two, it is safe to assume that you have found high value in the program and that you are confidently on your way to building a brand that is the path of least resistance to revenue.

The 30-day money back guarantee applies to your purchase of Part One of the Brand Trifecta program. After 30 days from the date of your purchase of Part One, refunds will not be given. You will also see this noted in the checkout process with full transparency.

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